Friday, December 9, 2011

过多十分钟我就会老一岁了~ 有什么愿望呢?就希望20岁的自己能更尽心尽力地做好我自己吧!讲来简单,就看我是不是真能做到咯~ ^^ 拭目以待吧~

Monday, November 28, 2011

Movie Holiday~

最近看了〈那些年,我们一起追的女孩〉和〈Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part I〉,两部都是小说改编的电影。

Source: SsGirlo through Fanpop

看〈Breaking Dawn〉的时候时间很快过,感觉屁股都还没坐热就已经看完了。看到尾声的时候我还在等接下来会发生什么,就听到结尾曲了。没办法,它还有Part II。

幸好我是先看了小说才看〈Breaking Dawn〉,要不然有些情节我根本看不懂……

Source: cupurinco through Love Me Do



Thursday, November 3, 2011


—— 九把刀 《那些年,我们一起追的女孩。》


picture taken from Eniced
啊~~~ 这部电影在大马上映了~ 我要去看!^^

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


最近朋友介绍了几部泰国电影给我…… 我一口气把它们看完了,确实不错。第一次看到除了鬼戏以外好看的泰国电影,也可能因为我根本就没看泰国电影的关系吧…… =P

picture from

这几部当中最好看的,就是〈你好,陌生人〉。一个刚被女友甩了的男生,一个瞒着男友偷偷出来玩的女生,在异地遇上了…… 男生跟旅行团跟丢了,就硬缠着自助旅行的女生,故事就此展开~ 男生即无厘头又幼稚,女生则好玩且爱做梦,两个人的搞笑事迹简直害我笑翻了…… 直到旅程结束了,两人都还不知道对方的名字。因为那个女生说:很高兴不认识你,如果我知道了你的名字,我就要开始关心你,就不能有话直说。如此说来,很高兴不认识你。” 呵呵,很有趣的泰国电影~ 虽然还是有点不习惯泰国话的腔调的说…… kap kap kap~

Monday, October 31, 2011

YESTERDAY, a great Saturday spent with my buddy qiao qiao~ In fact, a costly one too... >.<

We went to Tun Jugah's Popular. I meant to spend over RM30 so that I can get a chance for the lucky draw. One year of book supply!! That's pretty irresistible for me~ But at the end, my plan failed as the total qiao and me spent was RM29. =.= Never mind~ At least I bought myself a book to kill off some time~

This is it! There's a movie produced using this story in Taiwan~ Don't know if it will be in Malaysian cinemas... I do hope so~ Heard that it's nice~

After Popular, next station---Sarawak Plaza's Watsons~ Recently I have a thing towards drug stores, especially Watsons. It seems that I'm unable to walk out of drug stores without spending money. There's always things to buy in there: toner, facial foam, masks, cotton, bla bla bla~~~ Ish... Maybe I should avoid drug stores from now onwards to turn thrifty... Saving money seems so hard when I'm in a drug store...  @@

Then we went to Tom's. My first time. Always heard of its delicious cakes but never get to come.

The menu and the table layout~

The counter~

A candid photo by Qiao~

A very old school iron work... and who's that beside it? XD

Our sumptuous hi-tea~ Yummy~

My Strawberry Short Cake~ It tasted so smooth and not too sweet! Awesome~

Qiao's Choc Indulgence~ Not too sweet either~ Tom's really have the best cakes in Kuching!
We ended our day with a Special at Song Kheng Hai's food court. That's Qiao's. I couldn't eat anymore after that blackberry lemon soda at Tom's. It's so bubbly~

P.S.: Qiao, stop droning on and on of that headphone please... @@

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Insomnia =(

Recently I just won't go to bed before 12.30am, which is pretty weird for me who sleep as early as I can. I think it's The Sims' fault. >.< I'm addicted to it on Facebook, but then it won't load and always under maintenance over these past few days, making me restless and not willing to go to bed. Grrrr... Anyway, I'll just bid good night to my blog and try to get some sleep now. I don't wanna be panda. Nites~

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Book review~

Hi all~ It's quite a long time for me to post again... Was quite lazy and enjoying my life... Hehe~

So I've read a book---Mine Are Spectacular. One of the books that I bought at a book fair... Costs me RM7.90 only~ XD It's a book about 3 women's lives. I get to learnt something about dermatology through this book. And you will also be able to find out how to boost your confidence in this book. Lol~ 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


恩恩最近学会走路了~ 看这又小又圆滚滚的宝宝一步步笨拙地走路,真的是超可爱的~ XD



圆滚滚的小肚子~ XD 小脑袋还想着mum-mum嘞~

Saturday, July 23, 2011

yellow nails~

Did this nail art before the BERSIH day, without intention to have anything to do with BERSIH... 
It's an inspiration from my darling... XD 
When my boss saw them, he said:"Tomorrow you can't wear this kind of nails anymore." 
I thought he banned nail art in the office, then he added:"Because tomorrow is BERSIH day, later you'll get caught by police because of the yellow." =.= 


刚才看了中国达人秀,超感动的!一位颈上绑了条丝巾的六旬老阿姨抱着吉他,上台弹唱了一首歌---“因为爱情”,送给她在天国的丈夫,还讲起她丈夫还在世时的点点滴滴…… 看了好感动,害我敷着面膜流眼泪…… 呜呜…… 

credit to boonyews

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


12.59am 肚子又在半夜时分打鼓了…… 不用紧,熬多九天,就可以每天九点之前爬上床睡大觉了~ XD 根本就是睡报仇的……

Thursday, June 2, 2011

No Mood...

Dunno what happen to me... Really dun have the mood to do work... Open Autocad, stare at my drawing for a few seconds, close Autocad... @@ Then I randomly go play the games that I always play when I was in secondary school...

This is the home page~ Website:
The games are all very simple and come with calming melodies... Make me miss my good old school life back then... >.< everyday get as much homeworks done at school as possible, then back home play online games and daydream~ So carefree... 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Blur till max @@

Last few days (or weeks?) adapted to abnormal sleeping hours... and living like a zombie... My eyes were so sore... @@ Last night had a good sleep at last.. Due to lack of sleep, I was so blur for last few days...

Blur day 1:
Went to a shop to do some binding... After paying the money, left the shop without my bounded report... Luckily the lady who helped me bind my report chased after me and gave me my report... XD

Blur day 2:
Was going to go lunch with my friend Joan... Totally forgot my lappy and nearly left it at the atrium of my campus... Luckily again, my dear friend Eeyore chased after me and gave it to me... XDD

Blur day 3:
Woke up at 6am before my 7.30am alarm rang, went downstairs to do some assignments... When I finished doing them, heard an unfamiliar and very loud handphone ringtone ringing, and I thought who the h*ll was calling so early in the morning... And I thought that was my mum or dad or bro or sis-in-law's handphone, but then none of them are at home, there's only me... So I thought it was my neighbour's handphone... After a while, the ringtone stopped... When I was eating my breakfast, it rang again... @@ And I just remembered that I left my handphone upstairs, and that ringtone was my alarm ringtone... XDDD

Hope there is no Blur day 4... =P

Saturday, April 30, 2011


今天跟老爸老妈去练瑜伽,练得腰酸背痛,脚还差点抽筋…… @@ 刚开始,学呼吸法的时候,有点听不懂瑜伽老师的腔调。她讲话很轻,那些话轻得好像会被风吹走一样。过后,忙着把那些瑜伽姿势摆好来,都喘不过气了,怎样呼吸都忘了…… 原来那些姿势看起来轻松罢了,实际上真是要命啊~ >.< 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My brother and sis-in-law organized a birthday party for little Joana at Lok Thian last night. And this little girl won't turn her gaze away from her birthday cake during the photo-taking session~ Lol~ 

I wanna mum-mum~~~

Her new boo-boo~ But her legs aren't long enough yet. I'll have no chance of taking photos of her with her boo-boo once her legs are long enough, she sure will dash all over the place with her boo-boo~ XD

Her halved birthday cake with tigers on it~

Nails update~

When I gets pek chek with my assignments, I tend to do my nails, even only apply the nail colours with no 3D, no nothing also can do. Here's one when I'm tired of doing the journals... @@ I like the turquoise colour~ But my sis-in-law said that's green, and called my nails "o-che" nails... O-che = hokkien for 黑青... =.="

And I did this one yesterday, a mix up of lace, teddy bear and bunny~ but the lace on the ring finger nail failed... T.T you don''t know that's lace if I didn't mention, right? I learnt to do that lace from How i wish to have that striper they use to draw out the lace... >.< And my bunny's mouth seems more like a moustache...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


刚才下课后准备回家去,结果整个包包给我摸完了,却摸不到我的车钥匙…… 把包包整个翻出来找,还是没看到! 我心想这次惨了,这个钥匙的副匙早就不见了,我的车门永远不能开了…… 呜呜…… 后来打给我一位还在课室里的朋友,幸好,他说我刚才坐的椅子上有个钥匙!啊~~~ 吓死我了~!幸亏还找得到,不然麻烦大~~~了~

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Saturday...

Had went to visit my great grandparents' grave with my relatives early in the morning. Did some cleaning and brought some food and "clothes", "shoes" and so on for them. Man, they do have different types of paper-made shoes for the passed-aways: sandals, kitten heels, “leather" shoes... Maybe when it's my turn to sleep forever in the grave, I should tell my young ones to buy me Christian Louboutin? Lol... Anyway, it's a tiring routine... And the weather is real hot... I felt like dropping myself onto the sofa straight away after I finally reach my home sweet home... 

Ate my dinner at Jalan Song, which is really congested of cars... People are relaxing and enjoying their Saturday night, whereas I'm gonna "have fun" with my assignments later, maybe after a couple of hours' nap? Sigh~ This is really not the way I imagined my college life to be... >.<

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

自拍宝宝? XD

冷落我的部落格已经十二天了,真是不好意思呢~ 现在处于好忙,但又还没忙到快发疯的阶段。 所以一有空就来扫一下这里的蜘蛛网,不然等到final的时候就完全没空来了。

小家伙还是这么好动,每天晚上都要爬到满头大汗才肯睡觉。当她看到我拿着相机在拍她,就一直爬过来要抢相机…… XD

这张看起来好像是她自己拿着相机自拍的感觉~ 呵呵~

Friday, March 18, 2011



听我的基督徒朋友讲说,圣经里面有提到,明年2012年耶稣会来到这个世界,到时候就是世界末日了…… 但我不是基督徒,所以我不信…… 从来没想过什么世界末日,觉得这种事怎么可能会发生…… 看"2012",也只是很纯粹地把它当部好戏在看而已,在感动的部分留几滴眼泪,就算了…… 

但,这个月十号,云南5.8级地震,隔天日本就来了个9级大地震加海啸…… 刚刚又听到电视新闻传来台湾花莲也发生4.5级的地震…… @@ 我的天啊~ 再这样震下去,我们的地球还受得了吗?


Monday, March 14, 2011

因为世杰的离开,我们才发觉,同学聚会已经拖很久了…… 在FB联络、讨论,定下时间地点,六蓝班来聚会了~ ^^

地点:Sharing Planet~
(这个照片是边走边拍的,所以很朦…… @@ 我已经尽量sharpen了)




看到中间的皓宣就觉得可怜,只能够喝咖啡~ >.<




在这八年来的第一次正式的聚会,大家看起来都成长了不少…… 有些跟以前完全不一样,予郎是最佳例子,从以前的西瓜头变成现在的视觉系男生…… 有些还是没变,一下子就认得出来……

八年,不长不短的一段时间,我们却失去了一位珍贵的朋友…… 如果他还在的话,场面会更热闹吧…… 不用紧,在这个来不及的同学聚会,我们有留了个位置给他,他应该有来感染一下这里的气氛吧…… =) 

P.S.: 上面的照片多多少少会有edit,有些有点lomo,希望大家不要见怪~

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

青屋~ XD

昨天午餐时间和朋友去LKW附近的Rumah Hijau吃午饭~ 虽然在LKW有一年半了,但我还真的没来过这里……



我点的nasi goreng ayam penyet~ 不错吃的说~ 除了主角ayam penyet外,旁边还放了一堆生菜,真健康~

看着旁边的马来人用手吃饭,我也有样学样,用包菜把饭和一小块ayam penyet包起来吃……XD

里面的墙都漆上不同的颜色,有红有青,洗手间是蓝色的……整个空间好缤纷~ 而且挂着好多奶白色风铃……


这个是下午上完课跑去肯雅兰的 “舒哥棒” 买的冰淇淋~ 拍来玩photoscape的……XD 有点lomo的感觉~ 最近有点爱上lomo了~ 呵呵~

Sunday, March 6, 2011


早上醒来,打开手机,收到的第一封信息,就是我的小学朋友去世的消息…… 当下心情好沉重,我小姑上星期才刚走,这星期这位朋友也走了…… 怎么这么快走呢…… 我们从小学毕业到现在都还没见过面、还没来得及办同学聚会呢…… 虽然很不舍,但现在也只能愿他安息……


Thursday, March 3, 2011

SCHOOL started a few days ago... And I got a summary for these few days: We not only learn how to be an interior designer, but we also gonna learn how to be a PROFESSIONAL interior designer this semester... The 1st class I enter this sem is design class, the lecturer asked us to submit our work in a PROFESSIONAL manner... We also have a class this sem that's called PROFESSIONAL Practice... Besides, our drawing class is no more consists of T-squares and set squares, it's all about making a portfolio in a PROFESSIONAL way... So many things to learn to be a PROFESSIONAL... @@ And there's one good news: Interior designer was certified as a PROFESSIONAL career recently... ^^

Saturday, February 26, 2011

AM savouring a Beryl's chocolate~ XD Affected by the book that I'm currently reading---The Chocolate Lovers' Club... ^^

Decided to give junsu her marble nails manicure that I promised. So we met up and have a light lunch before doing the tedious manicure. We went to Mr. Bean and ate tauhu hua~

Junsu's pearl beancurd and mine la la zak zak beancurd~ (XD I forgot what it's called... Only remember it has some sort of jelly, mango pudding, pearls and longan)

Banana toast~ With a layer of chocolate between the banana slices and the toast~ Yum yum~

The colour scheme is a bit like mine. Cause only that few bottles of nail polish are smooth enough to do water marbling. >.< And my own marble nails got spoilt as a result of helping her do hers. XD

Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Remember Me?"

WOKE up to see a grey cloudy sky dampened by a heavy downpour with booming thunder this morning. This should be a sight that triggers a message:"go back and have a good sleep" to me, since holiday is ending within a few days, I should get as much sleep as possible before the-night-is-still-young days are coming back. But I can't wait to finish up "Remember Me?", a book I borrowed from eeyore. I've somehow adopted a habit of reading before sleep AND after sleep. @@ A typical bookworm. 

It has an interesting plot. A 25-year-old Snaggletooth girl waking up few days after a car crash, finding out that she's in 2007, instead of 2004. Not only she has a down-right gorgeous husband, her teeth veneered, lives in an amazingly hi-tech penthouse, but also, she's no more so-called junior assistant accounting clerk, she's the director of a whole department! 

It just so happens that she has amnesia after the accident, which means she loses her memory of the past 3 years. She gets constantly baffled and confused on how her old ragged self transformed into this perfect self. It's like she's suddenly landed into a perfect life. However, as time passes, she realizes that this life that she thought is perfect is not that perfect after all. 

Suspenses lie everywhere in this book. I think it's a nice movie material~ Hope that the movie-makers will discover~ ^^


WATCHED Burlesque yesterday with my friend eeyore, who recently is quite Becky-ish. @@ 

Burlesque is a kind of entertainment that is composed of theatrical dance movements with music, which can be dated back to 17th century and divided into a few forms. This movie is clearly featuring American Burlesque in Las Vegas.

There are several amazing burlesque shows that Ali (Christina Aguilera) and Tess (Cher) put on in this film. Which is why I think this movie deserves its price, considering that people have to pay for tickets that must be much more expensive than movie tickets in order to watch a genuine burlesque show, whereas you can get to watch SEVERAL awesome burlesque shows by only paying for this movie ticket, and they are exclusively performed by Christina Aguilera and Cher too. XD

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mini Shopaholic~

WOKE up this morning at around 8am and decided to finish up my Mini Shopaholic. When I was engrossed in it, a message came in... Honestly, I still thought that was my dear greeting me good morning, but it turned out to be from Digi Rewards. @@ Really needs some time to get used to this...

Back to Mini Shopaholic, I managed to finish it~ ^^ It's yet another really nice novel by Sophie Kinsella~ Becky is back in Oxshott with her husband Luke and also their two-year-old daughter Minnie~ Living in Becky's parents' house, they're eager to find a new house. However, their house deals had fallen through 4 times already, it's as if they're jinxed. 

Besides, Becky is troubled by her daughter Minnie, who's been banned from 4 Santa's Grottos because of creating chaos such as biting the Santa. Despite the facts, Becky is still convinced that Minnie isn't spoilt. No matter what, Luke is determined to find a way to "cure" Minnie.

On the other hand, Bank of London is closed, influencing the whole economic world of the country, which means everyone has to be careful with their expenses. A bad news to shopaholic Becky~ 

Meanwhile Becky is planning a surprise party for Luke on his birthday, which she wants to be totally cool with a tent for 200 people, fire-eaters, jugglers and a dance floor which lights up. She wants it to completely blow Luke away and also an unforgettable experience for the guests. You'll know how she plans a cool party during this economic turmoil after reading this book. =)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bon Voyage, my dear~

Just sent my dear off at the airport this early morning... Luckily I didn't turn it into a typical Korean drama goodbye scene. XD I didn't wait to see him going through the customs, cause I scared that I'll cry at the sight. Yup, I'm a 哭包... =X Just hope that I fed till a lil' chubby de dear won't come back too skinny~ Enjoy your journey dear~ ^^ Gonna miss you lots...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Water marbling madness~

Was supposed to let my nails to "breath" for at least one day, but my hands were so itchy to put on some colours... So I couldn't wait no more this morning, did water marbling~ XD

This is the mess I created~ Luckily I was fast enough to clean it before my mum came back home, or else I think she'll ban me from doing my nails here after. XD And she'll know where most of the tooth picks have gone...

Here's the outcomes~ This is the left hand. Bottom picture is of right hand. Though I can draw nicer patterns this time, nearly all of my nails are spoilt. T.T Been doing it for a whole 4 hours, I don't think that I'll do water marbling again in recent future... It's so troublesome~ 


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