Saturday, April 30, 2011
今天跟老爸老妈去练瑜伽,练得腰酸背痛,脚还差点抽筋…… @@ 刚开始,学呼吸法的时候,有点听不懂瑜伽老师的腔调。她讲话很轻,那些话轻得好像会被风吹走一样。过后,忙着把那些瑜伽姿势摆好来,都喘不过气了,怎样呼吸都忘了…… 原来那些姿势看起来轻松罢了,实际上真是要命啊~ >.<
Labels: 发牢骚
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Her new boo-boo~ But her legs aren't long enough yet. I'll have no chance of taking photos of her with her boo-boo once her legs are long enough, she sure will dash all over the place with her boo-boo~ XD
Labels: Friends N Family
Labels: Nail Art
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
刚才下课后准备回家去,结果整个包包给我摸完了,却摸不到我的车钥匙…… 把包包整个翻出来找,还是没看到! 我心想这次惨了,这个钥匙的副匙早就不见了,我的车门永远不能开了…… 呜呜…… 后来打给我一位还在课室里的朋友,幸好,他说我刚才坐的椅子上有个钥匙!啊~~~ 吓死我了~!幸亏还找得到,不然麻烦大~~~了~
Labels: 糗事
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Had went to visit my great grandparents' grave with my relatives early in the morning. Did some cleaning and brought some food and "clothes", "shoes" and so on for them. Man, they do have different types of paper-made shoes for the passed-aways: sandals, kitten heels, “leather" shoes... Maybe when it's my turn to sleep forever in the grave, I should tell my young ones to buy me Christian Louboutin? Lol... Anyway, it's a tiring routine... And the weather is real hot... I felt like dropping myself onto the sofa straight away after I finally reach my home sweet home...
Labels: 发牢骚