Thursday, July 28, 2011


恩恩最近学会走路了~ 看这又小又圆滚滚的宝宝一步步笨拙地走路,真的是超可爱的~ XD



圆滚滚的小肚子~ XD 小脑袋还想着mum-mum嘞~

Saturday, July 23, 2011

yellow nails~

Did this nail art before the BERSIH day, without intention to have anything to do with BERSIH... 
It's an inspiration from my darling... XD 
When my boss saw them, he said:"Tomorrow you can't wear this kind of nails anymore." 
I thought he banned nail art in the office, then he added:"Because tomorrow is BERSIH day, later you'll get caught by police because of the yellow." =.= 


刚才看了中国达人秀,超感动的!一位颈上绑了条丝巾的六旬老阿姨抱着吉他,上台弹唱了一首歌---“因为爱情”,送给她在天国的丈夫,还讲起她丈夫还在世时的点点滴滴…… 看了好感动,害我敷着面膜流眼泪…… 呜呜…… 

credit to boonyews
