Saturday, April 30, 2011


今天跟老爸老妈去练瑜伽,练得腰酸背痛,脚还差点抽筋…… @@ 刚开始,学呼吸法的时候,有点听不懂瑜伽老师的腔调。她讲话很轻,那些话轻得好像会被风吹走一样。过后,忙着把那些瑜伽姿势摆好来,都喘不过气了,怎样呼吸都忘了…… 原来那些姿势看起来轻松罢了,实际上真是要命啊~ >.< 


¥ø ṧεøß ♣ иоcтї$ said... d??? ju shi ling a??? XD

Unknown said...

haha... nope, is at jalan mendu de~

georgena said...

Told you.. Make you sweat... Real good. Now, I want yoga also cannot. You jia you ah... Tone your body become fit. I live on fourth floor. Everyday walk that staircase I'm sure my leg muscle gonna be firm soon... lol.

Unknown said...

lol~ i nearly lie flat on the yoga mat ah... gud for u le~ XD

georgena said...

eh, u know how many students r there? i got so shocked by the number! There are 2000+ enrolling in school of business. 989 of us are taking accounting. WTH!!!

Unknown said...

i have to say, my campus is like an ant compared to urs... XD

georgena said...

i have no idea it was this big. the branch campuses all smaller lah...